

【お知らせ コンバインド】FIS Ladies in the Spotlight

 FIS(国際スキー連盟)は、新しく取り組みはじめたノルディックコンバインドの女子選手にスポットライトを当てて情報を発信する「Ladies in the Spotlight」で日本の沢谷亜海(さわや あみ)選手が取り上げられています。



  1. これまでの選手としてのキャリアについて教えてください。いつスキーとジャンプを始めましたか?




  1. ノルディックコンバインドワールドカップに出場している選手でお気に入りもしくはお手本(ロールモデル)としている選手はいますか?




  1. 現在の日本での女子ノルディックコンバインド競技の状況について教えてください。今までにあなたはクロスカントリーとジャンプ両方のトレーニングをしたことがありますか?全日本レベルの競技会に出場したことはありますか?




  1. 来シーズンの目標について教えてください。


国内の大会では全て優勝すること。Youth Cupで表彰台に上がることです。また、クロスカントリーでは常にトップで走りたいです。


  1. 来シーズンからノルディックコンバインド競技の歴史として初めて、女子ノルディックコンバインド全体のランキングが発表されます。このことについてワクワク(エキサイト)していますか?




  1. FISユースカップ実施会場としてヴォカッティ(フィンランド)、オーベルストドルフ(ドイツ)、ハラコフ(チェコ)、トロンハイム(ノルウェー)という素晴らしい4つの会場があります。この冬、ヨーロッパで開催される女子ノルディックコンバインドの競技会に参加する予定はありますか?また、どの競技会への参加を一番楽しみにしていますか?




FIS オフィシャルサイト 05 August 2016 00:00 より転載


Ladies in the Spotlight: Ami Sawaya (JPN)





Nordic Combined Ami SAWAYA (JPN)




Nordic Combined Japan

Also in Japan, things are moving forward when it comes to Ladies’ Nordic Combined. Ami Sawaya was the first female participant in an international Ladies’ Nordic Combined event in Trondheim, Norway, last winter, so of course we wanted to find out more about the 16-year-old.


Can you tell us a little bit how your career as an athlete has gone so far? When did you start skiing and jumping?



Because of the influence of my older sister, I started with cross-country skiing at the age of five. I only started with Nordic Combined when I turned 16 at high school.


Do you have any favourite athletes or role models in the Nordic Combined World Cup?


That has to be Akito WATABE! He has numerous victories and great results in the Winter Olympic Games and World Cups. I admire that he is such a well-balanced athlete in both disciplines of Ski Jumping and Cross-Country skiing.


How is the situation for ladies in Nordic Combined in Japan at the moment? Did you have the opportunity to train both, cross-country and ski jumping, until now? Do you have any competitions on the national level?


At this moment, there are two All Japan Ski Championships and two High School Athletic Meets at the national level for ladies in Japan. Because all of them are held on normal hills, I was not able to participate them in the past as I was not ready to jump on a normal hill yet.

I was fortunate to have opportunities last year to participate in four events in Hokkaido which were held on medium sized hills, as the organizers generously established a category for high school ladies. I am very grateful for those who give us these opportunities. These competitions and the support I feel there are the fuel to maintain my motivation.

As for my training schedule, I practice jumping almost every day and go running afterwards on weekdays. On weekends, I practice jumping in the morning and roller skiing etc. in the afternoon.


What are your goals for the upcoming season?


I would like to dominate all the events in Japan and go for the podium at the FIS Youth Cup at some point in the winter. I also will try my best to keep the lead in cross-country skiing at all times.


In the upcoming winter, we will have an overall ranking for Ladies in Nordic Combined for the first time ever in the history of the discipline. Are you excited about the development?


I am very excited! This ranking will help me to get a feeling for my level of performance compared to the other female Nordic Combined athletes in the world which will in turn also show me in which areas I have to improve my skills to reach my ultimate goals.


With Vuokatti, Oberstdorf, Harrachov and Trondheim, there are four great venues on the FIS Youth Cup calendar. Do you already know if you’re going to take part in any Ladies’ Nordic Combined events in Europe next winter? Which one are you looking forward to most?


It’s on my schedule to return Trondheim, Norway this year. I wish to perform better which hopefully will bring me a better outcome. I can’t wait for the upcoming season to begin!